Monday, July 16, 2007

Dug-Dug Yu (modified version of Hide & Seek)

Make a circle on the ground with chalk. From the circle, throw a thing like 'ball' or 'soda can' that makes a sound (like Dug Dug - hence, the name). Throw it as far as possible.

The one whose turn it is (call him X) will go to get it. All others will hide. X will put the ball/can in the circle. And he has to find everyone while protecting the ball/Can. If anyone else comes to the circle without X noticing him and gets the ball/can - then game restarts and X has to again fetch the ball and find people.

If he is able to find all people, then whoever is first found will take the turn.

We play with Can and call it 'dug dug' because it makes 'dug dug' sound when you throw the can.

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